
Friday, April 8, 2011


Activity to work in pairs Here there are 5 videos with math´s techniques to multiplying. The activity consists on following next steps:

  1. You have to look at your video and try to understand it.

  2. Make a list with the main vocabulary and its translation. (At least 10 words)

  3. Publish a comment with that list and a summary of your video.

  4. Write the dialogue that you are going to use in order to explain the trick to the class. Publish it as a comment.

  5. Explain the trick to the class, including an example and an exercise that every student will do.
These are the pairs, with their video:

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Bilingual students had to prepare and record their own videos as a class activity in order to put into practice vocabulary and expressions related to everyday situations. The videos had to do with dialogues in restaurants or shopping centers.

The objectives of this activity were the following:
1. Work with new vocabulary and phrases and use them orally.
2. Be able to communicate in everyday situations in London.
3. Improve their oral skills. Our conversational assistant was of great help, pulling the students from their regular class and helping them with their pronunciation.

Untitled from Rosa Daporta on Vimeo.

Untitled from Rosa Daporta on Vimeo.